I'm Sick and Tired...and Broke


Let's face it: the nature of the healthcare industry has changed. Rising deductibles and decreasing commissions for agents who sell health have caused a large amount of frustration amongst consumers and agents. Traditional healthcare coverage has created a culture where most people can't afford their deductibles. Many people skip going to the doctor, even when they are sick, in order to save money and pay for other financial obligations such as a car repair or mortgage payment. According to PBS, "about 44 million people in this country have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance."

Luckily, there is an affordable option that can help fill the gaps left by traditional health insurance. Gap insurance plans allow people to dip into their coverage in order to pay their deductible, cover costs of a hospital stay, or even pay the rent if they are unable to work during an accident or critical illness. If you have been following us on social media, you might've noticed that we now offer a gap insurance plan. The Outlook Gap Plan allows agents to create a level commission stream while offering clients accident and critical illness coverage, free and unlimited Teladoc services, discounts on prescriptions, and much more.