Increase Your Book of Business


It's a fresh financial year and now is the time to jump start your book of business. Here are some tips for you to implement. 1.) Take objections as opportunities to educate, not as a roadblock to a sale. Most people will appreciate a direct explanation of insurance products. Include real life examples to solidify the importance of these products. 2.) Cross-sell, cross-sell, cross-sell! Doing your due diligence as an insurance agent will reveal addition opportunities. Get to know your clients' current coverage and life goals. 3.) Dedicate some of your attention to small businesses and their needs, as well. 4.) Participate in your local community and let them get to know you. This will help you become a "household name" in your community. 5.) Engage in digital technology available. Create a website or update your current one. Post regularly to social media and engage with your followers. This will put your name and services out there for interested prospects and current clients with cross-selling potential.