"Spring Clean" Your Book of Business


Spring is here and, while most people are spring cleaning their homes, it's time for you to do some seasonal maintenance to your book of business. A customary standard is to reach out to your current clients once a year to see if they need to upgrade or change their coverage. Here are our reasons why Spring is the perfect time to do this: 1.) Mid-April is the deadline for folks to file their taxes. Soon after filing, they will most likely receive a tax return. You can talk to them about allocating that chunk of money towards upgrading their coverage. 2.) In most parts of the US, wedding season starts in the Spring and goes into Summer. Some of your single clients may have gotten engaged or are now planning an upcoming wedding. If that's the case, they may want to change their beneficiary to their new spouse. 3.) Fair weather hiring trends can also be seen in the Spring. Industries that depend on good weather, such as construction, will almost double their hiring compared to Winter. Some of your clients may have new, better-paying jobs. That opens up a discussion about the amount of coverage their family needs.